Thursday, November 26, 2009

what I am thankful for...

Yes, Thanksgiving is a day to be thankful, did we all forget?
I am so very thankful for.....

-First and foremost, Martin. He's the love of my life, and he just makes everything so wonderful. We're in love, and we only look forward to every future day we get to spend together.

-My family. I love each and every one of them, and I'm so glad that I get to be with them, day in and day out. Most of my future plans involve staying in or around the area just so I don't have to leave them. Mom, Dad, Jason (Katie and kids), Doug, Ryan (Melissa and kids), Todd (Heidi, Lizzie, and almost here baby Max), Jana, and Jennifer, I love you so much.

-Martin's family. They're so amazing, and I am reminded of that with every opportunity to see them (including tonight, which is the Gallagher thanksgiving night).
-My talents. I realize that I have been blessed with creativity and the skills and ambition to do something with it, and it is not something I take for granted.

{Just a few of the major things in my life I am thankful for, there are lots of little things as well.
What are you thankful for?}
P.S. Eat lots of good food, say thank you to those who prepare it, and I hope you all have a fabulous day.
Happy Thanksgiving

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  1. im jealous of the wonderful food your about to make today, and all this next month! im thankful you write about it all, its inspiring. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  2. Great blog!

    another cool one:
