Because of the broken computer, posts may appear much later than the time period in which they should actually have been posted. Sorry.
Mac the little dragon was m.i.a. but we still have the ninja turtle and mad scientist. Melissa had a few more pictures on her blog.
monet was the artist I think she had in mind, there was a definite impressionism feel to the pumpkin, I can tell you that
{Melissa or Heidi let me know if you want any of these pictures,
I'm guessing you'll want a few Heidi}
p.s. I love my family (especially my sister-in-laws) it's nice not only having boys to love anymore, having only four older brothers was getting a little old :)
I know I'm super late, but I definitely want these pics! The fairy princesses and her painting the pumpkin! We can leave fat, prego cat out of it, haha.