Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Every holiday is another reminder to me of how much I absolutely love this sugar cookie recipe! Take it upon yourself to invest in some cookie cutters. If I am remembering correctly, my mom bought me a box set of cookie cutters, probably with about 100. I went through them, threw away the ones that had too much detail or small shapes (since the smaller the cookie and the more detailed the design, the harder it is to cut out, and cook without burning). Then over the years I have slowly added to that collection. For example, on St. Patricks day, I went through my box found a perfect shamrock (the bigger of the two) and then went to michael's to see what else they had. Of course Michael's, being as amazing as they are, had a slightly smaller size. Usually when I make these cookies I like to do the same object or theme of objects but in at least 2 different sizes. I do this for 2 reasons; it's a lot more fun to decorate when not everything is exactly the same, and it gives people the option to eat smaller ones. Anyways, please start making sugar cookies; you'll be happier and so will your friends :) Enjoy!! You can find the post with the recipe under the recipe tab, sugar cookies is the title!

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