Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Our very first harvest!!!

This past week I have noticed the green beans growing wonderfully in our garden, and today I decided we had enough for serving! This may not seem very exciting to you, but we have been working so hard to get our garden going. After weeks of just yard work and clean up came the weeks of digging and tilling and buying new dirt, and more digging and ughh, it's been rough. But then came the planning and planting and now the watering, and finally.. something for all of our efforts. Oh how I love gardening.
{My grandma beck used to always have me help her in the garden. I don't talk about my grandma much, because just thinking about her makes me tear up (like now). She was my best friend for a majority of my childhood and I miss her so much. I owe my love of gardening to her (and my dad, but obviously we know where my dad got it, so we both owe it to her).}
With this, I give you.. our dinner.
The next post :)

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