Tuesday, June 2, 2009

welcome baby!!

My latest and greatest!

A shower cake for Stephanie Luster in the ward. I was thrilled to do this cake! Why don't I use pink more often!?

Pin It!


  1. i don't know if it's the fact that it's pink or that it is covered in polka dots, but either way i am in love!!

  2. absolutly delicious...and good looking to boot!! =D amazing as always. are we going to get a recipe post with this one??

  3. that is the cutest thing i have ever seen.

    hands down. no question at all. i think i would cry as i ate it.

    hope you don't mind.. but i added a link to your blog from my blog!

  4. Kristin- It tasted even better than it looked. Everyone raved about it!!!

    Thank you so much for making it!!

